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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Singleton Chance of Premature Birth

Last week I had both a midwife appointment and a perinatologist ultrasound. My belly is measuring at 32 weeks (I was 28 weeks at the time) which apparently is right on track for twins. I wasn't spilling any sugar and my protein was normal. So all is good on that front.

At the ultrasound the babies were measuring almost exactly the same and weighing in around 2 pounds 11 ounces. My cervix is closed and long (yeah!) which means my chance of premature birth is now the same as a singleton pregnancy. They are both still breech and their heads aren't far from each other. The Dr. says there is still a good chance they could turn so I'm hoping he's right about this. In the meantime they are moving around, a lot!


Elana Kahn said...

I'm so glad the twins are growing and staying put. It's really funny though...I got put on bed rest at 20 weeks with a half effaced cervix. Got the cerclage and everything. Now I've had the cerclage out for over a week...I've been fully effaced and 3 cm the whole time with no sign of the babies arriving. *sigh*

Carrie27 said...

They are going to be here before you know it! Crazy!

Unknown said...

They sound like they are doing really well!!! Its not really that far to go now (although I'm sure your back is getting a bit tired)

nonlineargirl said...

I think we are having echo pregnancies. (good on size, long cervix, 2 breech, LOTS of movement) Here's hoping that all 4 turn in time.

The Olsons said...

Turn, babies, turn! So glad for the reports and thanks so much for your kind words for us. Let's definitely get together. Don't know about this weekend, but it would be fun to connect while you are soloing it!